Hats of Babies, Shawls for Ladies
Join us this Sunday October 14th from 1-3pm for our knit-for-others open knit space called GIVE BACK SUNDAYS. We have a basket of donated yarn that is for the taking, so long as you use the material to create something to give away!
Our donation knitters have been very basy as of late, and we have been able to complete a record of 90 newborn purple hats for the annual Purple Cap Campaign. This is a fantastic initiative put on by Click for Babies. Their goal is to give out a tiny purple hat to every baby born in the province of BC during the month of November which helps to raise awareness about the Period of PURPLE Crying and prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome.
What does 90 newborn hats look like you may ask?
And collectively we were also able to give a bit of Thanksgiving cheer to the residents of the new Powell Street Modular Housing units in the Downtown East Side. This modular housing complex opened earlier this year and is thew only female-only unit of the new housing that have been going up around the City. It includes 39 units, and our Give Back Sundays and other donors offered 39 gorgeous merino and other natural fibre shawls, cowls and scarfs as a gift to the residents this last holiday weekend.

So come join us for an afternoon to crafting, giving and good company this weekend for our monthly Give Back Sunday event!