
Warm Things Drive 2018

Every year Baaad Anna’s puts an open call in December for donations of warm things to be distributed to those in need in Vancouver’s downtown east side. We ask for any good condition pre-loved or purpose-made warm winter items that are not in use in your household such as hats, mitts, scarves or sweaters/hoodies.

As this weekend is our final Give Back Sunday event of the year and will be happening from 1-3pm , this would be a great launch for our month of giving. Come and knit, crochet and craft something for others; it can be anything of your choosing.

31 pairs of socks and counting!


One project we’ve been busily working on through the Give Back Sunday’s is our Second Sock Project, and it is now so close its goal. We are hoping to collect 39 pairs of socks for the residents of the Franklin Street Modular Housing before the holidays, so if you have any pairs to share we would be happy to include it in this donation.


Donations of warm things will be collected from now until Dec 21st and can be dropped at the store anytime during our regular business hours! For more information contact Baaad Anna’s 604-255-2577 or baaadannas@gmail.com or come chat with us in store!

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