April Shower, May Flowers and a Chicken Knit/Crochet-a-Long… it is beginning to look a lot like SPRING! Last year we hosted a pretty easy-going knit/crochet-a-long to help encourage anyone who has collected a beautiful Hue Loco Backyard Chickens set (or two!) to get them on their needles and into their
Do you have any Hue Loco Backyard Chicken yarn that you have been meaning to get on your needles? Now’s the time to cast on to join our knit- or crochet-along and get a dent into your project as we have put this awesome group of prizes up for offer!
POST UPDATE: See below to find out how to join us before the end of the month and enter our draw for Knit-/Crochet-Along prizes! Do you have a Backyard Chicken that you have been saving for a rainy day? Or have you been eyeing one of these Hue Loco
Do you have a Backyard Chicken that you have been saving for a rainy day? Or have you been eyeing one of these Hue Loco beauties but haven’t made the leap yet? Join us for a casual knit along (KAL) to get these gorgeous birdy yarns onto your needles and