Purple Cap Campaign Charity Knitting
It’s that time of year again! For all of September here at Baaad Anna’s we’re focusing on the annual Purple Cap Campaign. This is a fantastic initiative put on by Click for Babies. Their goal is to give out a tiny purple hat to every baby born in the province of BC during the month of November which helps to raise awareness about the Period of PURPLE Crying and prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome.

For the past few years we’ve been able to donate around 50 newborn sized hats to the cause, but we’re already well on our way to beat that record for 2018. Thanks to a generous contribution we’ve already collected over 30! If you’d like to help us meet our goal, here’s a few ways that you can get involved:

- Knit or crochet your own tiny purple hats using any washable & soft to the touch purple yarn. Click for Babies has lots of free pattern suggestions, or here are a few of our favourites from years past: Cherie, Swirl, Warm Winter Hat.
- Have some appropriate purple yarn of any weight in your stash that you don’t mind parting with? Bring it by the shop to donate it to the cause!
- Click for Babies is always accepting monetary donations.
- This initiative is centred around increasing awareness so spread the word!
- Join us for Give Back Sundays on September 9th to knit or crochet along with us in the shop. We’ll have yarn, snacks, and refreshments for you to enjoy while we contribute to this great initiative.