NEW Fibre Libraries IN YOUR Community
An update on our Fibre Libraries has been a long time coming but they continue to grow and thrive. We love this initiative as it empowers anyone (and everyone) to be involved in their fibre arts community. It is so wonderful to see the community members and fibre arts lovers who stepped up to build and host these libraries; they are the true champions that help keep fibre arts accessible and sustainable. With the intention of rehoming unused yarns and fibre goodies, anybody can take and give to these libraries! Here’s a quick update on three new libraries that have popped up, how to get involved and a request for help in finding a new home of one of our libraries!
New Locations
There have been three new Fibre Libraries that have launched over the past month:
One in South Granville:
One in Emily Carr University Library:
And one inside the Marpole Neighbourhood House:
ISO: Location for new Fibre Library in Richmond or Burnaby?
Unfortunately the Library in Steveston has been discontinued, but if anyone in Richmond or Burnaby is willing to house one on their property, I have this one that is already built and eager to find a new home! Email me at if you are in either Richmond or Burnaby and can house this beauty as both of those communities are in need of a fibre library!
Additionally, there are still grants available if you are looking to start one of your own. Check out our Resource Page for links to grant info and wording suggestions to make the process as easy as possible!
Here’s our updated Fibre Library Map (which includes some sweet Tiny Art Galleries that have been popping up). Please consider bringing your spare yarn to a Fibre Library near you…
Interested in hosting a Fibre Library in your neighborhood? Reach out to and check out our Resource Page here.