From Shawl to Sheep
Some exciting news from our pal Anna Hunter, after moving the family to Winnipeg last summer they set their sights on starting up their own homestead with an eye on ultimately producing YARN!
Read about Anna’s plans below, and how you can get involved in bringing her move from shawl to sheep back to sheep to shawl!
Hello my dear Baaad Anna’s friends!
It has been a full year since I left Vancouver. It’s hard to believe that it has been that long, and at the same time it feels as though I have been gone forever. I do try and keep up with all the amazing things happening in Vancouver’s fibre community and Baaad Anna’s! I’m happy to see so many of your faces on social media and at Baaad Anna’s events!
We have had an amazing year full of big changes, challenges, and lots of fun! We found and moved into a beautiful place at the end of June last year. We fond 140 acres of mostly tree and bush, perfect for all the exploring that we love to do! We quickly added chickens and pigs to the homestead, and in March we started planning for the next stage of our homestead!

I am starting a sheep and fibre farm and CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). I have just launched a kickstarter campaign to get us going with a fence and sheep shelter! The Video is a great look at our farm and land, and we also talk about the plans and potential for the sheep farm!
We are planning to have the sheep moved onto the property by this summer! I can’t believe how fast things are moving, but I’m also exhilarated by the possibility! I wish that all of you could come and see the farm, and meet the sheep (and hopefully some of you will).
I hope to return to Vancouver with a truckload of yarn that I grew and produced on the farm, and to see all of you again! In the meantime, please check out the video and spread the word to your ‘knitterly’ friends! You can also follow me:
Instagram @kids_unplugged
Facebook: Long Way Homestead
Thank you all for your ongoing support; fibre-folk truly are the best!

Anna — you are such an inspiration — from all of the Baaad Anna’s community on the West Coast, we wish you great success and look forward to hearing more on your journey!