Knit-A-Thon and Warm Things Charity Drive 2016
As every year since Anna opened in 2012 we will spend the day knitting & crocheting hats, scarves, mittens etc. to be handed out in the Downtown Eastside. Come spend the day with us for some charity making. Anyone making a donation of warmth will receive 10% off all yarn on the day of the event!
This year we are also encouraging donations of any other good condition warm winter items that are not in use in your household such as hats, mitts, scarves or sweaters/hoodies, handknit or not.
And it doesn’t stop there, you can also bring in any unwanted yarn you may have to be donated for use in this event. Any yarn that is donated but not used will then be redistributed by Baaad Anna’s to various school and seniors groups!
Sunday, December 18th 2016
1pm – 6pm
* Donate yarn to be knit into hats, mittens, scarves (must be in organized skeins or balls – no ends or mini balls please!)
* Come and knit for an hour or two (or all day if you are hard-core!)
* Donate unused, good condition winter accessories
Donations of yarn can be dropped at the store anytime during our regular business hours! For more information contact Baaad Anna’s 604-255-2577 or
As always, there will be a great spread of treats, fruit, hot chocolate and tea for all those who participate! We are looking forward to seeing you there!