Spin Class!
And not that kind of Spin Class! The more enjoyable, creative and fibre-loving spin class is coming to Baaad Anna’s… join us while there is still space available!
Register today ONLINE, or call 604-255-2577 to reserve your spot!
This is a two day beginner spinning class using an Ashford Kiwi Wheel, and includes equipment rental for a 10 day period. Participants will learn how to set up and use the equipment. All materials included ($40 reduction in cost if you have your own Ashford Wheel). Minimum 2 and maximum 4 participants.
Materials (INCLUDED): Participants will receive a three week rental of an Ashford Two Treadle Kiwi Spinning Wheel and 100 grams of Corriedale wool in two colours of your choice.
DATES: Saturdays October 6 & 13th from 10:00am – noon.
COST: $135 (+tax) plus $80 deposit on the Spinning wheel
Want to learn to spin your own yarn? This two hour workshop will teach the basics of how to make your yarn with a drop spindle. Participants will be spinning a single ply yarn and will receive a basic intro to the process of spinning your own yarn from beginning to end. Participants will also learn various drafting techniques. Minimum 3 and maximum 6 participants.
Materials (INCLUDED): Participants will receive top whorl spindle and 50 grams of Corriedale wool in the colour of your choice.
DATES: Saturday October 6th from 1:00 – 3:00pm
COST: $70 – $90 (+tax) sliding scale