More Holiday Sock Help!
Hey lovely knitty community. I am wondering if I can ask for your help in this busy, busy season? Last year at this time of year we did a call-out for the last few pairs of hand-knit socks needed to complete a donation for a pair of socks to be donated to each resident of the Franklin Street Modular Housing, with the hope that we could deliver these before the holidays. This year we are three quarters to being able to do the same!
Do you have any under-loved pair of adult-sized socks that you could donate, or perhaps have the time or inclination to quick-knit a thicker pair?

The Nora Hendrix Place Modular Housing units opened its doors earlier this year to 52 homeless or marginally housed individuals from within our East Vancouver community. These units located in the Strathcona-Chinatown area are named after a local icon who always gave of herself and it has been said that what is most valued by these residents is keep the top and bottom warm: socks and hats which is definitely something we can help with!

I have taken up my needles and worked through a single worsted weight sock in about 4 hours… if anyone would like to join me, we have a basket of donated yarns to choose from! Please help if you can!! Size, shape and colour do not really matter as there are many shapes of feet that will be able to choose from these… there’s a sock for every preference!
And for some additional good news we’ve already been able to put together holiday gift package of 46 hand knit hats to the tə cecəw (The Beach) Modular Housing units located at Little Mountian which opened its doors earlier this year to 46 homeless or marginally housed individuals from within our East Vancouver community. Look at all of the love and talent represented by this donation!
Thank you to our amazing community for their ongoing support and sharing of the love of hand knits!