
Knit City Relaunch

This weekend will be the first live Knit City since 2019 and we are excited to again be part of this milestone event. We have some exciting things to share; so here’s your sneak peek for the weekend…


First up, we will host our FINAL show with The Travelling Woolery. This cutie became part of the family in Jan 2020, and we have hosted a number of markets with her to share our love of fibre arts. Recognizing that knitting is a long game, we focused on intro fibre arts kits from indie and local makers, featuring beginner needle-felting, embroidery, macrame and weaving. We kept a selection of our shop’s newest yarns on the backside of the trailer and our knitty and crochety friends always managed to sniff it out! We got to meet lots of fun and new fibre artists along the way, but it is now time to retire this gorgeous trailer, although as always there are new projects brewing for future opportunities to share our fibre arts love. Come and see our Woolery in all its glory for one more show as we navigate it inside the PNE Forum for this weekend’s Knit City!



Next, we will be bringing a mobile version of our Little Fibre Library. This is the retired Fibre Library from Olympic Village which has been donated to us, and I have been squirreling away some of the very exciting donations that have crossed my path over this adventure to share with you. Bring one of your prized, under-loved skeins of yarn to the show and you can exchange it for someone else’s mystery donation. What is a Fibre Library you may ask? Check out some info here, and we would love to chat about how you can start one in your neighbourhood to help keep fibre arts accessible!



Last but not least, the yarn! We will have a selection of our new Fall inventory, including Poppy’s Pompom, Emily C Gillis and a top-up of one of our favs, Chester Knits Yarn. AND we will have a show special at 50% of one of our most luxurious yarns, but you will have to visit us to see this for yourself!



Hope to see you there this weekend. Remember, tickets are limited and can only be purchased online for a specific timeslot. Get yours now while they last; and as always, we are just down the street if you need a dose of fibre love.

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