Knit City Sneak Peek #4
Knit City is getting closer and closer and we just can’t hold back sharing what goodies you can expect!
And of course we have to bring with us a hand dyed local yarn!
Partea Knits

In two yarn bases, sport and worsted, Partea Knits is squishy, colorful, and a joy to work with. Here’s what’s in:
Fibres: 100% superwash merino | 17 micron
Weight: Worsted (4)
Length: 115 g / 210 yards (192m)
Fibres: 100% superwash merino | 17 micron
Weight: Sport (2)
Length: 115 g / 275 yards (251m)

For our spinning community at Knit City, a handful of BFL and Merino braids will be coming with us too! And even more fun, over 20 mystery bags of hand dyed roving beans!
Bluefaced Leicester wool | 24-28 micron | non-superwash | combed top
Approx: 100grams / 3.5 oz.
A Mystery Bag of assorted hand dyed colours and mix of fibres including: BFL, Merino SW, and Merino non-SW.
Amount: 25 grams
Merino wool | 22 micron | non-superwash | combed top
Approx: 100grams / 3.5 oz.
About the Dyers
Partea Knits is a small, independent business focused on creating beautiful yarn and fiber that will inspire your next project. Melissa loves experimenting with colour when dyeing or knitting, and snuggles cats in her free time. Brendan is man behind the scenes keeping things running smoothly when he’s not wrestling his dog. Their focus is ethically sourced yarn, hand-dyed on the unceded territory of the Gixtsan people. Partea Knits, as well as Melissa and Brendan individually, take a firm stance for inclusivity and kindness.
Check out the fun colors Partea Knits on Instagram and Ko-Fi.
Browse all of the released Sneak Peak Knit City line ups HERE! And tune in again as we share what’s to come for Sept 24th and 25th.