Announcement Events Sale

Worldwide Knit in Public Day AT THE RACES

Its a perfect weekend to head to east van and start something new: the World Wide Knit In Public Day is this Saturday and we are celebrating with a sale and a gathering.

There will be an impromptu 10% off EVERYTHING IN STORE for all of our regular Saturday hours of 11am-6pm! Take a stroll into the store and pick up a new project and then head a couple blocks east to the Hastings Racetrack to take in the ponies as we represent! Knitting in public is just a whole lotta fun, and more so if taking in a show with knitty buddies!

Come join us this Saturday for casual get together at this free of charge venue. We will set ourselves up on the east side of the stands to shield us from the sun. You should be able to find us as we will be the ones with pretty pretty projects in hand. Meet me there as the first race starts at 2pm, with 7 races total each about 25 minutes apart.

We have been missing our in-store knit night so this summer we have decided to host a LIVE AT THE RACES knit in public get together at the Hastings Race Course. Please note that we are bumping back a week for next months KNIT at the RACES to SUNDAY June 16th (instead of the 9th that I originally posted).

  • Saturday May 6th 2pm-4pm
  • Saturday June 10th 2pm-4pm KNIT IN PUBLIC day
  • Sunday July 9th June 16th 2pm-4pm
  • Friday August 18th 7pm-9pm BAAAD ANNA’s 14th ANNIVERSARY

Meet up at 2pm for an afternoon at the ponies! Meet us on the east side of the bleachers with your knitting in hand! Admission is free!


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