

Baaad Anna’s in the Community

We believe that having a positive role in our community is apart of being a healthy, vibrant business!
We also proudly support local talent through trunk shows of local knitwear designers and dyers, co-hosting fibre-themed events and fundraise and donate within our local community.
Check out some of the many ways we aim to strengthen our local fibre-loving community:

For more information on our Upcycle Program, read our post here.


Fibre Libraries

If you’re interested in getting involved, email us at baaadannas@gmail.com if:
 – You are willing to build a library (with new or from upcycled furniture!)
– You are wanting to host a library (on your own property)
– You are interested in keeping these boxes filled!
And we’ll try to hook you up! We would love to host a ‘make-a-little-library-DRIVE’ with a goal of having 5 more libraries built by the end of the summer, so if you would like a summer woodworking project please consider building one of these!

Neighbourhood Fibre Libraries


Did you know that Baaad Anna’s is a member of the BCTF advantage program, and all BCTF members receive 10% off all yarn at the store?


Sock Knits

Come join us in our virtual classroom soon! Check out all the classes and registration HERE.
Our next BEGINNER KNITTING with Rebecca Glazier – ONLINE via ZOOM starts on October 19th and for anyone already on their knitting adventure and ready for a new skill SOCKS FOR BEGINNERS with Holli Yeoh – ONLINE via Zoom is a great place to start your online knitting adventure!

Baaad Anna’s Virtual Classroom Community


To find out more about how we can support your organization please email baaadannas@gmail.com

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Not Your Mama's Yarn Store