Here is a little about what we carry in store, and all of it is also available with current stock in our online store, but you won’t get the full affect until you stop by the store and give the yarn a feel!
This list is not exhaustive and is always growing. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, give us a call at 604-255-2577. If we don’t have it, we take requests!
BC & Canadian Dyers
Baaad Anna’s believes in the talent and creativity of local spinners/dyers and strives to support small businesses in the Lower Mainland. We also value shopping locally and want to support the farmers, spinners and crafters in our own community. If you are an artist or spinner and would like to sell or promote your yarn at Baaad Anna’s, please contact us at We are currently stocking the following local suppliers:

Baaad Anna’s focuses on purchasing supplies from companies that have strong ethical sourcing policies and work to further the social and environmental well-being of various communities. This is a learning process, and we appreciate suggestions or feedback from our customers –
Independent Dyers
Ethical Yarns
I am looking for an equivalent to Sirdar Snuggly Dk Yarn but I don’t want any acrylic fiber in it. I like a pure yarn, like cotton, a light wool or some such yarn. I want to knit a short-sleeved top for my 5 yr old grand-daughter.
Best is to contact the in-store staff directly in person or by phone.
do u guys still carry sugarbush yarn? and if not, what’s the closest yarn you can recommend that’s machine safe for a blanket?
Hi Karli,
We still carry Sugar Bush Bold, which is a great machine washable yarn.
Unfortunately, we are no longer able to get more Sugar Bush in-store, so what ever is left in our stock is all we have.
Some alternative machine washable yarns are the Estelle Merino DK or Malabrigo Rios